Last updated on January 14th, 2024 at 06:06 pm
January 7, 2024
Here is the best thing I heard (What?), saw (Eye.), and read (Read.) this week, as well as the best idea (💡) I developed.
Church News Podcast Episode 169 (“Elder Dale G. Renlund on his testimony of the Book of Mormon and the Church’s distribution of 200 million copies of the sacred text“):
- “If we abide the precepts in the Book of Mormon, we draw closer to Jesus Christ. That is the promise from the prophets. And I think that the difference it makes is that if you help young children or old children draw closer to the Savior by means of ‘Come, Follow Me,’ by means of the Book of Mormon, it makes all the difference — because the success, I think, as a parent is measured primarily by your commitment to helping your children become faithful disciples of Jesus Christ. And this is the tool by which it can be done.”
University of Michigan quarterback J.J. McCarthy meditating prior to Michigan’s football national championship semifinal matchup against the University of Alabama (Michigan ended up winning 27-20 in overtime). I found an article that shared more about McCarthy’s meditation practice:
- “Before every game, McCarthy sits against the foam padding of the goalposts with his legs crossed to meditate. He’s visualizing himself in front of an elevator, pushing the down button, walking into the elevator and pushing the button for the ground floor.
“He watches as the numbers of each floor light up, and as this imaginary elevator is taking him down, he repeats affirmations to himself that he is confident, qualified and capable.
“McCarthy found meditation in high school while playing at IMG Academy in Bradenton, Florida. He was a four-star prospect, ranked as the No. 25 player in his class. But, he felt stuck away from his home in La Grange, Illinois. That led him to search for ways to strengthen his mind. He used guided meditation apps and various methods that have helped him center himself.
“‘I was going through some depression pretty bad and I was researching like crazy, anything to help develop better well-being and meditation was the first thing I put into practice,’ McCarthy said. ‘When the depression kept going, I knew it wasn’t just being homesick. So finding meditation was the best thing that’s ever happened to me to get through that.’
“Through meditation, McCarthy said, he has found a calm before the game that has transferred over into the game. He doesn’t dwell on mistakes, stays positive no matter the situation and relishes in his teammates’ success around him instead of focusing on his own accolades.”
Alfred Grace, “Giving the Lord Equal Time“, October 19, 2006, BYU Hawaii Devotional
- “In his book ‘When Thou Art Converted’, Elder M. Russell Ballard relates a reunion he had with one of his former missionaries at church headquarters. I would like to recite this experience as it is written by Elder Ballard:
“Some time ago one of my missionaries came to see me in my office at Church headquarters. He had been a fine missionary, and I was pleased to see him. I was also curious about why he had come after so many years. So I asked him, ‘Elder, how can I help you?’
“‘President,’ he said, ‘I think I’m losing my testimony.’
“I couldn’t believe it. I asked him how that could be possible.
“‘For the first time, I have read some anti-Mormon literature,’ he said. ‘I have some questions, and nobody will answer them for me. I am confused, and I think I am losing my testimony.’
“I asked him what his questions were, and he told me. They were the standard anti-Church issues, but I wanted a little time to gather materials so I could provide meaningful answers. So we set up an appointment for him to return in ten days, at which time I told him I would answer every one of his questions. As he started to leave, I stopped him.
“‘Elder, you’ve asked me several questions here today,’ I said. ‘Now I have one for you.’
“‘Yes, President?’
“‘How long has it been since you read the Book of Mormon?’ I asked.
“His eyes dropped. He looked at the floor for a while. Then he looked at me. ‘It’s been a long time, President,’ he confessed.
“‘All right,’ I said. ‘You have given me my assignment. It’s only fair that I give you yours. I want you to promise me that you will read in the Book of Mormon for at least one hour every day between now and our next appointment.’ He was hesitant but finally agreed that he would do that.
“Ten days later he returned to my office, and I was ready. I pulled out my papers to start answering his questions. But he stopped me.
“‘President,’ he said, ‘that isn’t going to be necessary.’ Then he explained, ‘I know that the Book of Mormon is true. I know Joseph Smith is a prophet of God.’
“‘Well that’s great,’ I said, ‘but you’re going to get answers to your questions anyway. I worked a long time on this, so you just sit there and listen.’
“I answered all of those questions and then asked, ‘Elder, what have you learned from this?’
“And he said, ‘Give the Lord equal time.'”
Jesus Christ’s will, as revealed through His current prophet, is that each of us will “prayerfully study the Book of Mormon every day”. The Book of Mormon teaches us how to draw near to God. Thus, at the start of a new year, set a goal for yourself (and, if you are a parent, a goal to help your children) to “become faithful disciples of Jesus Christ” through a diligent study of the Book of Mormon in 2024.
See the four resources below which prompted this idea.
1: “The Book of Mormon: What Would Your Life Be Like without It?“, October 2017 General Conference, President Russell M. Nelson:
- “My dear brothers and sisters, I promise that as you prayerfully study the Book of Mormon every day, you will make better decisions—every day.”
2: Church News Podcast Episode 169 (“Elder Dale G. Renlund on his testimony of the Book of Mormon and the Church’s distribution of 200 million copies of the sacred text“):
- “If we abide the precepts in the Book of Mormon, we draw closer to Jesus Christ. That is the promise from the prophets. And I think that the difference it makes is that if you help young children or old children draw closer to the Savior by means of ‘Come, Follow Me,’ by means of the Book of Mormon, it makes all the difference — because the success, I think, as a parent is measured primarily by your commitment to helping your children become faithful disciples of Jesus Christ. And this is the tool by which it can be done.”
3: Elder David A. Bednar, January 1, 2024, Instagram post:
- “As we begin a new year, I encourage you to reflect on the Savior’s invitation to become like Him. He said, ‘Therefore, what manner of men ought ye to be? Verily I say unto you, even as I am’ (3 Nephi 27:27). How can we follow His example and strive to increase in righteousness?
“One way is to set goals that align with His will and teachings.
“Setting goals is not only a practical skill but also a spiritual discipline. It helps us to exercise appropriately our moral agency, to become agents who act and are not merely acted upon, and to evaluate our progress.
“Prayerfully seek the Lord’s guidance as you determine your goals this year, and consider sharing your goals with people you trust—whether that be your family, friends, or leaders.“
4: Introduction to the Book of Mormon: “Concerning this record the Prophet Joseph Smith said: ‘I told the brethren that the Book of Mormon was the most correct of any book on earth, and the keystone of our religion, and a man would get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts, than by any other book.'”