Last updated on March 12th, 2024 at 07:12 am
General Conference Applied
“We Are His Children” by Elder Christophe G. Giraud-Carrier; October 2023 General Conference
Corresponding General Conference Applied episode show notes: S2 E22
Talk Outline
“I pray that, like [Jesus Christ], we may love others because that is the right thing to do, not because they are doing the right thing or fitting the ‘right’ mold.”
Directives (“an official or authoritative instruction”)
- “May we likewise not let our eyes, our ears, or our fears mislead us but open our hearts and minds and minister freely to those around us as He did.”
- “‘First and foremost,’ as President Nelson reminded us, I am a ‘child of God.’ So are you, and so are all other people around us. I pray that we may come to a greater appreciation of this wonderful truth. It changes everything!”
- “Indeed, we follow our dear prophet’s invitation: ‘My dear brothers and sisters, how we treat each other really matters! How we speak to and about others at home, at church, at work, and online really matters. Today, I am asking us to interact with others in a higher, holier way.'”
Commandments: “Commandments are the laws and requirements that God gives to mankind. When we keep the commandments, we manifest our love for the Lord and receive blessings from Him (see Leviticus 26:3–12; John 14:15; Mosiah 2:41). We are commanded to love God with all our heart, soul, and mind and to have Christlike love for others (see Matthew 22:36–39; John 13:34–35).”
Our Heavenly Family: “God is not only our Ruler and Creator; He is also our Heavenly Father. All men and women are literally the sons and daughters of God. ‘Man, as a spirit, was begotten and born of heavenly parents, and reared to maturity in the eternal mansions of the Father, prior to coming upon the earth in a temporal [physical] body’ (Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph F. Smith [1998], 335).
“Every person who was ever born on earth is our spirit brother or sister. Because we are the spirit children of God, we have inherited the potential to develop His divine qualities. Through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, we can become like our Heavenly Father and receive a fulness of joy.”
Christlike Attributes
Charity and Love: “The prophet Mormon taught, ‘Pray unto the Father with all the energy of heart, that ye may be filled with this love’ (Moroni 7:48). As you pray to have charity fill your heart, you will taste of God’s love. Your love for people will increase, and you will come to feel a sincere concern for their eternal happiness. You will see them as children of God with the potential of becoming like Him, and you will labor in their behalf.
“As you pray for the gift of charity, you will be less inclined to dwell on negative feelings such as anger or envy. You will become less likely to judge or criticize others. You will have more desire to try to understand them and their points of view. You will become more patient and try to help people when they are struggling or discouraged. (See Moroni 7:45.)
“Charity, like faith, leads to action. You strengthen it as you serve others and give of yourself.
Charity is transformative. Heavenly Father bestows it ‘upon all who are true followers of his Son, Jesus Christ; … that when he shall appear we shall be like him, … that we may be purified even as he is pure’ (Moroni 7:48).”
Attribute Activity
- “I feel a sincere desire for the eternal welfare and happiness of others. (Mosiah 28:3)”
- “When I pray, I ask for charity—the pure love of Christ. (Moroni 7:47–48)”
- “I try to understand others’ feelings and see their point of view. (Jude 1:22)”
- “I forgive others who have offended or wronged me. (Ephesians 4:32)”
- “I reach out in love to help those who are lonely, struggling, or discouraged. (Mosiah 18:9)”
- “When appropriate, I express my love and care for others by ministering to them through word and deed. (Luke 7:12–15)”
- “I look for opportunities to serve others. (Mosiah 2:17)”
- “I say positive things about others. (Doctrine and Covenants 42:27)”
- “I am kind and patient with others, even when they are hard to get along with. (Moroni 7:45)”
- “I find joy in others’ achievements. (Alma 17:2–4)”
Most Important Quote
“Indeed, we follow our dear prophet’s invitation: ‘My dear brothers and sisters, how we treat each other really matters! How we speak to and about others at home, at church, at work, and online really matters. Today, I am asking us to interact with others in a higher, holier way.’
“This afternoon, in the spirit of that invitation, I wish to add my pledge to that of our wonderful Primary children:
“‘If you don’t walk as most people do, Some people walk away from you, But I won’t! I won’t!
“‘If you don’t talk as most people do, Some people talk and laugh at you, But I won’t! I won’t!
“‘I’ll walk with you. I’ll talk with you. That’s how I’ll show my love for you.
“‘Jesus walked away from none. He gave his love to ev’ryone. So I will! I will!’
“I testify that He whom we address as our Father in Heaven is indeed our Father, that He loves us, that He knows each of His children intimately, that He cares deeply about each one, and that we are truly all alike unto Him. I testify that the way we treat each other is a direct reflection of our understanding of and appreciation for the ultimate sacrifice and Atonement of His Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ. I pray that, like Him, we may love others because that is the right thing to do, not because they are doing the right thing or fitting the ‘right’ mold.”
Powerful Stories
“Some years ago, my wife, Isabelle, received an unusual ministering assignment. She was asked to visit an elderly widow in our ward, a sister with health challenges and whose loneliness had brought bitterness into her life. Her curtains were drawn; her apartment was stuffy; she did not want to be visited and made it clear that ‘there is nothing I can do for anyone.’ Undeterred, Isabelle responded, ‘Yes, there is! You can do something for us by allowing us to come and visit you.’ And so Isabelle went, faithfully.
“Some time later, this good sister had surgery on her feet, which required her bandages to be changed every day, something she could not do for herself. For days, Isabelle went to her home, washed her feet, and changed her bandages. She never saw ugliness; she never smelled stench. She only ever saw a beautiful daughter of God in need of love and tender care.
“Over the years, I and countless others have been blessed by Isabelle’s gift to see as the Lord sees. Whether you are the stake president or the ward greeter, whether you are the king of England or live in a shack, whether you speak her language or a different one, whether you keep all the commandments or struggle with some, she will serve you her very best meal on her very best plates. Economic status, skin color, cultural background, nationality, degree of righteousness, social standing, or any other identifier or label is of no consequence to her. She sees with her heart; she sees the child of God in everyone.”
The Best Footnote
Footnote 12: See Dale G. and Ruth L. Renlund, The Melchizedek Priesthood: Understanding the Doctrine, Living the Principles (2018), 112.
Questions for Reflection Asked by the Speaker
Belonging | Divine Nature | Love | Ministering | Perspective | Prejudice
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