Last updated on March 30th, 2024 at 11:43 am
General Conference Applied
“Sir, We Would Like to See Jesus” by Elder Robert M. Daines; October 2023 General Conference
Corresponding General Conference Applied episode show notes: S2 E26
Talk Outline
“That is what we all want—we want to see Jesus for who He is and to feel His love. This should be the reason for most of what we do in the Church—and certainly of every sacrament meeting. If you’re ever wondering what kind of lesson to teach, what kind of meeting to plan, and whether to just give up on the deacons and play dodgeball, you might take this verse as your guide: will this help people see and love Jesus Christ? If not, maybe try something else.”
Directives (“an official or authoritative instruction”)
- “I also read and reread and reread the four Gospels—this time reading not to extract rules but to see who He is and what He loves.”
- “Prophets invite us to seek His face. I take this as a reminder that we worship our Father, not a formula, and that we’re not finished until we see Jesus as the face of our Father’s love and follow Him, not just His rules.”
- “May we seek His loving face and then be vessels of His mercy to His children.”
Atonement of Jesus Christ: “Jesus Christ was the only one capable of making a perfect Atonement. His Atonement included His suffering for our sins in the Garden of Gethsemane, His death on the cross, and His Resurrection from the tomb. In addition to suffering for our sins, He also took upon Himself our pains, sicknesses, and infirmities (see Alma 7:11–13). Jesus Christ overcame physical and spiritual death. Because of His Atonement, everyone will be resurrected (see 1 Corinthians 15:20–22).”
Jesus Christ, Our Chosen Leader and Savior: “From the beginning, Jesus Christ has revealed the gospel, which tells us what we must do to return to our Heavenly Father. At the appointed time He came to earth Himself. He taught the plan of salvation and exaltation by His word and by the way He lived. He established His Church and His priesthood on the earth. He took our sins upon Himself.
“By following His teachings, we can inherit a place in the celestial kingdom. He did His part to help us return to our heavenly home. It is now up to each of us to do our part and become worthy of exaltation.”
Christlike Attributes
Faith in Jesus Christ: “You express your faith through action. These actions include following the Savior’s teachings and example. They include serving others and helping them choose to follow Christ. You also express your faith through diligence, repentance, and love. …
“Your faith in Jesus Christ will grow as you become better acquainted with Him and His teachings. It will increase as you search the scriptures, pray sincerely, and obey the commandments. Doubt and sin undermine faith.”
Attribute Activity
- “I believe in Christ and accept Him as my Savior. (2 Nephi 25:29)”
- “I feel confident that God loves me. (1 Nephi 11:17)”
- “I trust the Savior enough to accept His will and do what He asks. (1 Nephi 3:7)”
- “I believe that through the Atonement of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Ghost, I can be forgiven of my sins and sanctified as I repent. (Enos 1:2–8)”
- “I have faith that God hears and answers my prayers. (Mosiah 27:14)”
- “I think about the Savior during the day and remember what He has done for me. (Doctrine and Covenants 20:77, 79)”
- “I have faith that God will bring about good things in my life and the lives of others as we devote ourselves to Him and His Son. (Ether 12:12)”
- “I know by the power of the Holy Ghost that the Book of Mormon is true. (Moroni 10:3–5)”
- “I have faith to accomplish what Christ wants me to do. (Moroni 7:33)”
Most Important Quote
“You may struggle to see God as a loving Father. You may look heavenward and see not the face of love and mercy but a thicket of rules through which you must wend your way. Perhaps you believe God rules in His heavens, speaks through His prophets, and loves your sister, but you secretly wonder whether He loves you. Perhaps you have felt the iron rod in your hand but not yet felt your Savior’s love to which it leads.
“I suspect you know people like this because for a long time, I was someone like this—I was spiritually face-blind.
“I thought my life was about following rules and measuring up to abstract standards. I knew God loved you perfectly but didn’t feel it myself. I’m afraid I thought more about getting into heaven than being with my Heavenly Father.”
Powerful Stories
“Here’s a second story, closer to home: As a young boy, I often saw my mom as the rule maker. She decided when I could play and when I had to go to bed or, worse, pull weeds in the yard.
“She obviously loved me. But too often and to my shame, I saw her only as ‘She Who Must Be Obeyed.’
“Only years later did I come to see her as a real person. I am embarrassed that I never really noticed her sacrifice or wondered why for years she only ever wore the same two old skirts (while I got new school clothes) or why, at the end of the day, she was so tired and eager for me to go to bed early.”
The Best Footnote
Footnote 24: “This is an important theme. It’s not just the work of salvation and exaltation but His work of salvation and exaltation (see General Handbook: Serving in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1.2, Gospel Library). I don’t just go to a temple but to the house of the Lord; it’s not the Mormon Church but the Church of Jesus Christ (see Russell M. Nelson, ‘The Correct Name of the Church,’ Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2018, 87–89). Our leaders point us to Him and even remind us that there ‘is no amorphous entity called ‘the Atonement’ upon which we may call for succor, healing, forgiveness, or power. Jesus Christ is the source’ (Russell M. Nelson, “Drawing the Power of Jesus Christ into Our Lives,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2017, 40).”
Questions for Reflection Asked by the Speaker
- “Will this help people see and love Jesus Christ?”
- “What is your favorite story of Jesus?”
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