January 26, 2025
Here is the best thing I heard (What?), saw (Eye.), and read (Read.) this week, as well as the best idea (💡) I developed.
The True Identity of Christ (Krystal V. L. Pierce) | Y Religion Podcast | January 15, 2025 | S6 E120:
- “We get so much revelation, sometimes I think we’re not sure what to do with it. And what He wants us to do is not only read, watch conference, and listen and things like that, but He wants us to understand it, to comprehend it – and that’s an extra step.
“That’s Mary actively turning to the Savior. That’s Cleopas and this other disciple and the other apostles going to Jesus physically.
“It takes work. And I think that’s part of it here. They weren’t just passive bystanders in their physical and spiritual growth. It took work.”
Romney! Romney!
- My son, Romney, turns 7 tomorrow. During his friend birthday party on Friday, the party attendees were playing musical spoons. The game is similar to musical chairs, but rather than sitting in a chair when the music stops, you have to grab one of the spoons on a table. While playing, Romney was left without a spoon, but a friend gave Romney his spoon so Romney could stay in the game. This happened two more times with two other friends, and then the whole group began cheering: ‘Romney! Romney!’ I held it together – barely. It was so fun to see everyone cheer for my buddy Romney!
“Prophets See around Corners” | Sheri Dew:
- “Brigham Young once said that ‘the secret feeling of my heart was that I would be willing to crawl around the earth on my hands and knees, to see such a man as was Peter, Jeremiah, Moses, or any man that could tell me anything about God and heaven.’
“I feel the same. If we want to fill the measure of our creation, if we care about doing what we came to this earth to do, prophets are a vital key. Their words will help us find our individual missions and then fulfill them.
“Not long ago, I accompanied my boss to a meeting with the First Presidency where we sought counsel on a complex issue affecting one of the Church’s commercial media companies for which we have responsibility. What then unfolded was amazing to witness. As these three presiding high priests counseled with one another, it was clear that, at the outset, they each saw this sensitive issue differently. But as they deliberated among themselves in an attitude of candor but generosity toward each other, the Spirit flooded the room. And before we might have expected it, they were of one mind and one heart. The way they counseled together was inspiring, as was the way they then counseled us. As we walked out of the room, my boss and I said to each other, almost in unison, ‘We just witnessed the First Presidency receiving revelation together.’ …
“Following prophets will be the smartest thing we ever do. Because prophets will be the last safe voices on earth.
“No leaders care about us and our future the way they do. No other leaders are more honest with us than they are. No other leaders come to us entirely devoid of a personal agenda. There are simply no other leaders like them in all the world. Prophets receive revelation from the Lord for our day, our challenges, our dilemmas, our circumstances.
“I know this is true. I declare that it is true. I am an eyewitness to it.
“Following the Lord’s prophets makes us smarter because seers see things we cannot yet see. Prophets help us see around corners.
“You can know this too. If you will seek with ‘real intent, having faith in Christ,’ you will come to know for yourself that the Lord’s prophets lead us today. And that knowledge will literally change your life.”
On future seasons of the General Conference Applied Podcast, rather than sharing a bio for the members of the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles (which I am already doing in season four of General Conference Applied), I could share an interesting story about the apostle.
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