Last updated on February 16th, 2025 at 10:48 pm
General Conference Applied
S4 E17 – Thursday, January 30, 2025 | “Welcome to the Church of Joy” by Elder Patrick Kearon; October 2024 General Conference
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- “Patrick Kearon was called to the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on December 7, 2023. At the time of his call, he was serving as Senior President of the Seventy.
“He served as a member of the Presidency of the Seventy beginning in 2017, following five years in Germany where he served in the Europe Area Presidency and as Area President. During his time as Senior President, he had supervisory responsibility for the Middle East/Africa North Area and the Utah Area.
“After joining the Church on Christmas Eve of 1987, Elder Kearon served in numerous Church callings, including ward Young Men president, counselor in a bishopric, branch president, stake president, and Area Seventy.
“Elder Kearon has lived and worked in the United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, and the United States in a range of industries and ran his own communications consultancy. His civic and community involvement has included service on the boards of charities, a school, an enterprise agency, and a college.
“Patrick Kearon was born in Carlisle, Cumberland, England, on July 18, 1961. He married Jennifer Carole Hulme in January 1991. They are the parents of four children.” - This was Elder Kearon’s fifth general conference address. His most recent address was “God’s Intent Is to Bring You Home” from the April 2024 General Conference. That address included one invitation: 1) Just because Heavenly Father loves us doesn’t mean we shouldn’t strive to become like Him and His Son.
What is the speaker inviting me to do, and how might I consider taking action?
1: “Because of the loving plan of our Heavenly Father for each of His children, and because of the redeeming life and mission of our Saviour, Jesus Christ, we can—and should—be the most joyful people on earth!”
- Be joyful in our interactions in the world.
- Christlike Attribute: “I believe that someday I will dwell with God and become like Him. (Ether 12:4)” (Hope)
- “Even as the storms of life in an often-troubled world pound upon us, we can cultivate a growing and abiding sense of joy and inner peace because of our hope in Christ and our understanding of our own place in the beautiful plan of happiness.” -Elder Kearon
- 1 Nephi 18:11-16: “[11] And it came to pass that Laman and Lemuel did take me and bind me with cords, and they did treat me with much harshness; nevertheless, the Lord did suffer it that he might show forth his power, unto the fulfilling of his word which he had spoken concerning the wicked.
“[12] And it came to pass that after they had bound me insomuch that I could not move, the compass, which had been prepared of the Lord, did cease to work.
“[13] Wherefore, they knew not whither they should steer the ship, insomuch that there arose a great storm, yea, a great and terrible tempest, and we were driven back upon the waters for the space of three days; and they began to be frightened exceedingly lest they should be drowned in the sea; nevertheless they did not loose me.
“[14] And on the fourth day, which we had been driven back, the tempest began to be exceedingly sore.
“[15] And it came to pass that we were about to be swallowed up in the depths of the sea. And after we had been driven back upon the waters for the space of four days, my brethren began to see that the judgments of God were upon them, and that they must perish save that they should repent of their iniquities; wherefore, they came unto me, and loosed the bands which were upon my wrists, and behold they had swollen exceedingly; and also mine ankles were much swollen, and great was the soreness thereof.
“[16] Nevertheless, I did look unto my God, and I did praise him all the day long; and I did not murmur against the Lord because of mine afflictions.”
- 1 Nephi 18:11-16: “[11] And it came to pass that Laman and Lemuel did take me and bind me with cords, and they did treat me with much harshness; nevertheless, the Lord did suffer it that he might show forth his power, unto the fulfilling of his word which he had spoken concerning the wicked.
- Action:
2: “This is an invitation to receive the Saviour’s gift of peace, light, and joy—to revel in it, to wonder at it, and to rejoice in it every Sabbath.”
- Be joyful in our interactions in the Church.
- Christlike Attribute: “I find joy and satisfaction in my work. (Alma 36:24–25)” (Diligence)
- “Joy looks different for different people. For some, it may be exuberant greetings at the door. For others, it might be quietly helping people feel comfortable by smiling and sitting next to them with a kind and open heart. For those who feel left out or on the margins, the warmth of this welcome will be crucial. Ultimately, we can ask ourselves how the Saviour would want our sacrament hour to be. How would He want each one of His children to be welcomed, cared for, nourished, and loved? How would He want us to feel when we come to be renewed through remembering and worshipping Him?” -Elder Kearon
- “Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking” by Susan Cain: “Pastor [Rick] Warren seems truly well-meaning; he’s created this vast Saddleback ecosystem out of nothing, and he’s done good works around the world. But at the same time I can see how hard it must be, inside this world of Luau worship and Jumbotron prayer, for Saddleback’s introverts to feel good about themselves. …
“[Adam] McHugh, as if reading my mind, turns to me when the service is over. ‘Everything in the service involved communication,’ he says with gentle exasperation. ‘Greeting people, the lengthy sermon, the singing. There was no emphasis on quiet, liturgy, ritual, things that give you space for contemplation.’ …
“‘It sets up an extroverted atmosphere that can be difficult for introverts like me,’ he explains. ‘Sometimes I feel like I’m going through the motions. The outward enthusiasm and passion that seems to be part and parcel of Saddleback’s culture doesn’t feel natural. Not that introverts can’t be eager and enthusiastic, but we’re not as overtly expressive as extroverts. At a place like Saddleback, you can start questioning your own experience of God. Is it really as strong as that of other people who look the part of the devout believer?’
“Evangelicalism has taken the Extrovert Ideal to its logical extreme, McHugh is telling us. If you don’t love Jesus out loud, then it must not be real love. It’s not enough to forge your own spiritual connection to the divine; it must be displayed publicly. Is it any wonder that introverts like Pastor McHugh start to question their own hearts?”
- “Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking” by Susan Cain: “Pastor [Rick] Warren seems truly well-meaning; he’s created this vast Saddleback ecosystem out of nothing, and he’s done good works around the world. But at the same time I can see how hard it must be, inside this world of Luau worship and Jumbotron prayer, for Saddleback’s introverts to feel good about themselves. …
- Action:
Take Action
How will you take action on the invitations extended in this General Conference address?
As we conclude this episode, I have some important information. Show notes for this and all other episodes can be found on my website, On my website, you will also find my weekly What? Eye. Read. 💡 newsletter.
In my newsletter, I share the best thing I heard, saw, and read during the past week, as well as the best idea I developed. If you are wondering how you can help me: if you could subscribe to, rate, and review the podcast as well as share it with others, I would appreciate it. And please also sign up for my newsletter at
You can also follow me on Instagram and Facebook where I share additional General Conference related content. The links to my social media accounts are in the podcast episode details for each podcast episode. Lastly, please remember that General Conference Applied is meant to be a supplement for your review of General Conference Addresses.
I promise that you will get more out of each General Conference Applied episode when you study the General Conference address first. Thank you for joining me in this effort to become doers of the word and to take action on general conference invitations.
Hymns | Jesus Christ | Joy | Reverence | Sacrament | Sacrament Meeting | Worship
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