Last updated on July 12th, 2023 at 11:31 pm
Five Powerful Quotes from the Book
Quote 1
“The rich use their brainpower in addition to the brainpower of others to hone in on ultra specific solutions their competitors have given up on. While the middle class makes simple problems seem complex, the world class makes complex problems seem simple. Their ability to reduce any problem to an elementary level allows them to see solutions most academics wouldn’t even consider. The wealthy aren’t interested in the means, only the end. Solve the problem, get compensated, and repeat the process until you’re rich. End of story. This single-minded focus always pays off sooner or later, at which time the masses will call it luck.”
Pithy Summary
The world will line up to pay anyone who makes hard things easy.
Quote 2
“There’s a popular nonlinear philosophy espoused by some of the most astute and successful among us that says it’s not what you do that guarantees wealth, it’s what you are. These people believe it’s not the labor that creates the fortune, but the thinking behind the labor. The best starting point to carry out this strategy comes from my friend and mentor, Jim Cathcart, one of the most successful professional speakers in the world. Jim suggests to his audiences that they start asking themselves this daily question: “How would the person I wish to become do the thing I’m about to do?” This question programs the performer to focus his mental energy where it’s most powerful: on building a better machine.”
Pithy Summary
Don’t complete tasks as your present self – complete them as your future self.
Quote 3
“After studying millionaires for 26 years, I can state with authority that their biggest advantage is their focus, dedication and hard work. While on the surface this seems self-evident, the hard work I’m referencing is not back breaking toil. Hard work to the rich is applying persistent thought day after day to solve seemingly unsolvable problems. The rich know their most valuable asset is their ability to think, and because they use their mental powers so often, they become very good at it. So while the construction worker, roofer or millwright labors away for relatively little compensation, the professional thinker is the highest paid worker in the world. The more proficient they get, the wealthier they become. This is the non-linear approach to getting rich most people don’t understand. When the masses refer to hard work it usually involves physical labor at some level. A millionaire’s hard work is often staring out the window in deafening silence thinking of how to solve a problem. They know few problems can defend the assault of sustained thought. When most people clock out at five, the great ones may physically leave the building but are still mentally engaged. Some of their best thoughts and biggest ideas are conceived in the shower, at the movies, or during their daily exercise routine.”
Pithy Summary
If you can sustain thought for long enough, you’ll probably become a millionaire.
Quote 4
“The most financially aware parents teach their kids the truth about money, starting with how misunderstood it is to the general public. They teach them that it’s right to want to be rich; and it’s also possible for anyone who thinks big. World-class parents never manipulate their kids with money or use it as a weapon, lest the child learns to see money as a tool to lord over others. They educate their kids on how to make money by solving problems and enhancing the quality of other people’s lives. The child learns to see money as a positive, productive force for good instead of a weapon of the few to use against the many. Maybe the most important belief they teach their kids about money is the fact that they are smart enough to earn all they desire. No matter what their education level, IQ score, or performance in school, they have everything it takes to become a millionaire. This one belief has probably created more young millionaires than any other. It’s a simple yet powerful transfer of confidence, from parent to child.”
Pithy Summary
No matter who your kids are, or who they aren’t, they can become millionaires.
Quote 5
“Since the masses only believe in formal education, they stop systematic learning after graduation. The world class knows that college is just the beginning of lifelong learning. That’s why you’ll see the great ones attending seminars, workshops and taking advantage of other valuable sources of education. The more financially successful they become, the more successful they believe they can become. This is the reason millionaires quickly become multi-millionaires, and sometimes even billionaires. Their belief in themselves and their ability to get richer drives them to study people operating at a higher level. The great ones know one idea has the power to catapult their business and skyrocket their income and net worth. Walk into a wealthy person’s home and one of the first things you’ll see is an extensive library of books they’ve used to educate themselves on how to become more successful. The middle class reads novels, tabloids, and entertainment magazines. The world class reads books that can help them become more successful. So next year the masses will be no smarter than this year, and the great ones will move ahead. The more they learn, the more they earn, and the more they earn, the more they invest and the wealthier they become. The masses would much rather be entertained than educated.”
Pithy Summary
Focusing on education rather than trivial entertainment will lead to the ability to pay for world-class entertainment.
About the Book
How Rich People Think – Ebook | Paperback – “This book will teach you how rich people think. It compares the thoughts, habits and philosophies of the middle class to the world class when it comes to wealth. The differences are as extreme as they are numerous. The strategy is simple: learn how rich people think, copy them, take action and get rich.
“This book hits hard and never lets up. It’s based on a quarter century of interviews with millionaires. It’s written in unfiltered, politically incorrect language that makes the point crystal clear and easy to follow. The hundreds of millionaires interviewed for this book had nothing to gain by sharing their secrets, nor any interest in sugar-coating their advice. These people gave me unprecedented access to their lifestyle and playgrounds; from Palm Beach to Aspen. I was searching for the raw, uncensored truth about how rich people think, and they agreed to share it with me on the promise that their names never be published and their remarks never made public. I’ve mixed their wisdom with my words, and the result is a book so brutally honest it will shock some and inspire others.”
About the Author
Steve Siebold – “Since 1997, Steve Siebold, CSP, CFEd has helped Fortune 100 companies increase sales by $1.3 billion USD through his flagship training program, Mental Toughness University.
“Siebold has delivered $16 million in keynote speeches at National and International Conventions for companies such as Johnson & Johnson, Ingersoll-Rand, Caterpillar, Merck, GlaxoSmithKline, Toyota, Chrysler-Fiat, Transamerica and hundreds of others. Siebold’s 12 books have sold over 1.6 million copies, including the #1 selling book of 2020 on Personal Finance, How Money Works, with co-author Tom Mathews. Siebold’s books have been translated into 7 languages.”
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