Last updated on November 21st, 2024 at 06:45 am
General Conference Applied
S4 E4 – Sunday, November 10, 2024 | “Simple Is the Doctrine of Jesus Christ” by President Henry B. Eyring; October 2024 General Conference
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“All of us have family members we love who are being tempted and tried by the seemingly constant forces of Satan, the destroyer, who would make all God’s children miserable. For many of us, there have been sleepless nights. We have tried to surround the people who are at risk with every force for good. We have pled in prayer for them. We have loved them. We have set the best example we could.
“Alma, a wise prophet from ancient times, faced similar trials. The people he led and loved were frequently under attack by a ferocious enemy, yet they were still trying to rear righteous children in a world of wickedness. Alma felt his only hope of victory was a force which at times we underestimate and often use too little. He pled for God’s help.
“Alma knew that for God to help, repentance was required by those he led, as well as his adversaries. Thus, he opted for a different approach to battle.
“The Book of Mormon describes it this way: ‘And now, as the preaching of the word had a great tendency to lead the people to do that which was just—yea, it had … more powerful effect upon the minds of the people than the sword, or anything else, which had happened unto them—therefore Alma thought it was expedient that they should try the virtue of the word of God.’
“The word of God is the doctrine taught by Jesus Christ and by His prophets. Alma knew that the words of doctrine had great power.” -President Eyring
- “President Henry B. Eyring was sustained and set apart as second counselor in the First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on Sunday, January 14, 2018. Prior to this, he served as a counselor to President Thomas S. Monson from 2008 to 2018 and to President Gordon B. Hinckley from 2007 to 2008. He was sustained as a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles on April 1, 1995. He has served as a General Authority since April 1985.
“President Eyring previously served as first counselor in the Presiding Bishopric from April 1985 to September 1992 and as Church commissioner of education from September 1980 to April 1985 and also September 1992 to January 2005.
“President Eyring was president of Ricks College in Rexburg, Idaho, from 1971 to 1977. He was on the faculty at the Graduate School of Business at Stanford University from 1962 to 1971.
“He holds a B.S. degree in physics from the University of Utah and master of business administration and doctor of business administration degrees from Harvard University.
“Born in Princeton, New Jersey, 31 May 1933, he has served the Church as a regional representative, a member of the general Sunday School board and a bishop.
“President Eyring is married to the former Kathleen Johnson, and they are the parents of four sons and two daughters.” - This was President Eyring’s 102nd general conference address (the Gospel Library app shows 118 addresses, but 16 of those have been the sustaining of church officers). Here are his five most recent addresses:
- “All Will Be Well Because of Temple Covenants” – April 2024 General Conference
- “Our Constant Companion” – October 2023 General Conference
- “Finding Personal Peace” – April 2023 General Conference
- “Legacy of Encouragement” – October 2022 General Conference
- “Steady in the Storms” – April 2022 General Conference
What is the speaker inviting me to do, and how might I consider taking action?
1: “As we teach these principles to those we love, the Holy Ghost will help us to know the truth. Because we need the promptings of the Holy Ghost, we must avoid speculation or personal interpretation that goes beyond teaching true doctrine.”
- “Simple is the doctrine of Jesus Christ.”
- Christlike Attribute: “I cherish the doctrine and principles of the gospel. (2 Nephi 4:15)” (Knowledge)
- “That can be hard to do when you love the person you are trying to influence. He or she may have ignored the doctrine that has been taught. It is tempting to try something new or sensational. But the Holy Ghost will reveal the spirit of truth only as we are cautious and careful not to go beyond teaching true doctrine. One of the surest ways to avoid even getting near false doctrine is to choose to be simple in our teaching. Safety is gained by that simplicity, and little is lost.” -President Eyring
- Questions:
- What are the dangers of ‘speculation or personal interpretation’?
- “To Acquire Spiritual Guidance“, Elder Richard G. Scott, October 2009 General Conference: “One Sunday I attended the priesthood meeting of a Spanish branch in Mexico City. I vividly recall how a humble Mexican priesthood leader struggled to communicate the truths of the gospel in his lesson material. I noted the intense desire he had to share those principles he strongly valued with his quorum members. He recognized that they were of great worth to the brethren present. In his manner, there was an evidence of a pure love of the Savior and love of those he taught.
“His sincerity, purity of intent, and love permitted a spiritual strength to envelop the room. I was deeply touched. …
“Subsequently, I visited the Sunday School class in our ward, where a very well-educated teacher presented his lesson. That experience was in striking contrast to the one enjoyed in the priesthood meeting. It seemed to me that the instructor had purposely chosen obscure references and unusual examples to illustrate the principles of the lesson. I had the distinct impression that this instructor was using the teaching opportunity to impress the class with his vast store of knowledge. At any rate, he certainly did not seem as intent on communicating principles as had the humble priesthood leader.” - “Sir, We Would Like to See Jesus“, Elder Robert M. Daines, October 2023 General Conference: “That is what we all want—we want to see Jesus for who He is and to feel His love. This should be the reason for most of what we do in the Church—and certainly of every sacrament meeting. If you’re ever wondering what kind of lesson to teach, what kind of meeting to plan, and whether to just give up on the deacons and play dodgeball, you might take this verse as your guide: will this help people see and love Jesus Christ? If not, maybe try something else.”
- “To Acquire Spiritual Guidance“, Elder Richard G. Scott, October 2009 General Conference: “One Sunday I attended the priesthood meeting of a Spanish branch in Mexico City. I vividly recall how a humble Mexican priesthood leader struggled to communicate the truths of the gospel in his lesson material. I noted the intense desire he had to share those principles he strongly valued with his quorum members. He recognized that they were of great worth to the brethren present. In his manner, there was an evidence of a pure love of the Savior and love of those he taught.
- How would my life really change if I felt that I ‘need the promptings of the Holy Ghost’?
- Am I teaching gospel ‘principles to those [I] love’?
- Teaching the Gospel Principles class in the Draper Riverview 6th Ward – Holy Ground!
- What are the ‘principles’ to which President Eyring is referring?
- “The word of God is the doctrine taught by Jesus Christ and by His prophets. …
“In the 18th section of the Doctrine and Covenants, the Lord revealed the foundation of His doctrine:
“‘For, behold, I command all men everywhere to repent. …
“‘For, behold, the Lord your Redeemer suffered death in the flesh; wherefore he suffered the pain of all men, that all men might repent and come unto him.
“‘And he hath risen again from the dead, that he might bring all men unto him, on conditions of repentance.’
“‘And you shall fall down and worship the Father in my name.
“‘… You must repent and be baptized, in the name of Jesus Christ.’
“‘Ask the Father in my name in faith, believing that you shall receive, and you shall have the Holy Ghost.’
“‘And now, after … you have received this, you must keep my commandments in all things.’
“‘Take upon you the name of Christ, and speak the truth in soberness.
“‘And as many as repent and are baptized in my name, which is Jesus Christ, and endure to the end, the same shall be saved.’
“In those few passages, the Savior gives us the perfect example of how we should teach His doctrine. This doctrine is that faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end blesses all of God’s children.” -President Eyring
- “The word of God is the doctrine taught by Jesus Christ and by His prophets. …
- What is ‘true doctrine’?
- What are the dangers of ‘speculation or personal interpretation’?
2: “We should seize every opportunity to share the teachings of Jesus Christ with children.”
- Prioritize teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ to children.
- Christlike Attribute: “I feel a sincere desire for the eternal welfare and happiness of others. (Mosiah 28:3)” (Charity and Love)
- “Teaching simply allows us to share the saving doctrine early on, while children remain untouched by the deceiver’s temptations that will later confront them, long before the truths they need to learn are drowned out by the noise of social media, peers, and their own personal struggles. We should seize every opportunity to share the teachings of Jesus Christ with children. These teaching moments are precious and far fewer compared to the relentless efforts of opposing forces. For every hour spent instilling doctrine into a child’s life, there are countless hours of opposition filled with messages and images that challenge or ignore those saving truths.
“Some of you may wonder whether it might be better to draw your children closer to you through having fun, or you may ask whether the child may start to feel overwhelmed by your teachings. Instead, we should consider, ‘With so little time and so few opportunities, what words of doctrine can I share that will strengthen them against the inevitable challenges to their faith?’ The words you share today could be the ones they carry with them, and today will soon pass.” -President Eyring - Questions:
- What does ‘[seizing] every opportunity to share the teachings of Jesus Christ with children’ look like in my life?
- Why is it so important to ‘share the teachings of Jesus Christ with children’?
- “You can find hope in the scriptural record of families. We read of those who turned away from what they were taught or who were wrestling with God for forgiveness, such as Alma the Younger, the sons of Mosiah, and Enos. In their moments of crisis, they remembered the words of their parents, words of the doctrine of Jesus Christ. Remembering saved them. Your teaching of that sacred doctrine will be remembered.” -President Eyring
- Alma the Younger: Alma 36:16-20 – “[16] And now, for three days and for three nights was I racked, even with the pains of a damned soul. [17] And it came to pass that as I was thus racked with torment, while I was harrowed up by the memory of my many sins, behold, I remembered also to have heard my father prophesy unto the people concerning the coming of one Jesus Christ, a Son of God, to atone for the sins of the world. [18] Now, as my mind caught hold upon this thought, I cried within my heart: O Jesus, thou Son of God, have mercy on me, who am in the gall of bitterness, and am encircled about by the everlasting chains of death. [19] And now, behold, when I thought this, I could remember my pains no more; yea, I was harrowed up by the memory of my sins no more. [20] And oh, what joy, and what marvelous light I did behold; yea, my soul was filled with joy as exceeding as was my pain!”
- Enos: Enos 1:3-6 – “[3] Behold, I went to hunt beasts in the forests; and the words which I had often heard my father speak concerning eternal life, and the joy of the saints, sunk deep into my heart. [4] And my soul hungered; and I kneeled down before my Maker, and I cried unto him in mighty prayer and supplication for mine own soul; and all the day long did I cry unto him; yea, and when the night came I did still raise my voice high that it reached the heavens. [5] And there came a voice unto me, saying: Enos, thy sins are forgiven thee, and thou shalt be blessed. [6] And I, Enos, knew that God could not lie; wherefore, my guilt was swept away.”
- Jesus Christ: 3 Nephi 26:14 – “[14] And it came to pass that he did teach and minister unto the children of the multitude of whom hath been spoken, and he did loose their tongues, and they did speak unto their fathers great and marvelous things, even greater than he had revealed unto the people; and he loosed their tongues that they could utter.”
- Should the bulk of a child’s gospel learning happen at church or at home?
- What are the consequences for the parents or teachers and for the child if the gospel of Jesus Christ is not adequately taught?
- Doctrine and Covenants 68:25-28 – “[25] And again, inasmuch as parents have children in Zion, or in any of her stakes which are organized, that teach them not to understand the doctrine of repentance, faith in Christ the Son of the living God, and of baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of the hands, when eight years old, the sin be upon the heads of the parents. [26] For this shall be a law unto the inhabitants of Zion, or in any of her stakes which are organized. [27] And their children shall be baptized for the remission of their sins when eight years old, and receive the laying on of the hands. [28] And they shall also teach their children to pray, and to walk uprightly before the Lord.”
- How can we utilize both formal and informal methods of teaching ‘with children’?
- “Teaching in the Savior’s Way: For All Who Teach in the Home and in the Church“, “Teach about Jesus Christ No Matter What You Are Teaching“: “There are many things to teach about in the restored gospel of Jesus Christ—principles, commandments, prophecies, and scripture stories. But all of these are branches of the same tree, for they all have one purpose: to help all people come unto Christ and be perfected in Him (see Jarom 1:11; Moroni 10:32). So no matter what you are teaching, remember that you are really teaching about Jesus Christ and how to become like Him. The Holy Ghost can help you learn to recognize truths about the Savior and His redeeming power in each gospel principle, commandment, and prophetic teaching (see Jacob 7:10–11).”
3: “Talk to God, … plead for His help for your loved one, and … thank Him not only for help but for the patience and gentleness that come from not receiving all you desire right away or perhaps ever.”
- Pray for those you love and accept Heavenly Father’s will.
- Christlike Attribute: “I strive to be submissive to God’s will. (Mosiah 24:15)” (Humility)
- “As we do our best to teach those we love about the doctrine of Jesus Christ, some may still not respond. Doubts may creep into your mind. You might question whether you know the Savior’s doctrine well enough to teach it effectively. And if you’ve already made attempts to teach it, you may wonder why the positive effects aren’t more visible. Don’t give in to those doubts. Turn to God for help. …
“If you pray, if you talk to God, and if you plead for His help for your loved one, and if you thank Him not only for help but for the patience and gentleness that come from not receiving all you desire right away or perhaps ever, then I promise you that you will draw closer to Him. You will become diligent and long-suffering. And then you can know that you have done all that you can to help those you love and those you pray for navigate through Satan’s attempt to derail them.” -President Eyring - Questions:
- Have I carved out adequate time in my life to ‘talk to God’?
- “The Lifeline of Prayer“, President James E. Faust, April 2002 General Conference: “[The Prophet Joseph Smith’s] petitions were fervent, his motives pure, and the blessings of heaven regular.
“Daniel Tyler, an associate of the Prophet, recalled an important occasion: ‘At the time William Smith and others rebelled against the Prophet [at Kirtland], … I attended a meeting … where ‘Joseph’ presided. Entering the school-house a little before [the] meeting opened, and gazing upon the man of God, I perceived sadness in his countenance and tears trickling down his cheeks. … A few moments later a hymn was sung and he opened the meeting by prayer. Instead of facing the audience, however, he turned his back and bowed upon his knees, facing the wall. This, I suppose, was done to hide his sorrow and tears.
“‘I had heard men and women pray—especially the former—from the most ignorant, both as to letters and intellect, to the most learned and eloquent, but never until then had I heard a man address his Maker as though He was present listening as a kind father would listen to the sorrows of a dutiful child. Joseph was at that time unlearned, but that prayer, which was to a considerable extent in behalf of those who accused him of having gone astray and fallen into sin, [was] that the Lord would forgive them and open their eyes that they might see aright—that prayer, I say, to my humble mind, partook of the learning and eloquence of heaven. There was no ostentation, no raising of the voice as by enthusiasm, but a plain conversational tone, as a man would address a present friend. It appeared to me as though, in case the vail were taken away, I could see the Lord standing facing His humblest of all servants I had ever seen. … It was the crowning … of all the prayers I ever heard.'”
- “The Lifeline of Prayer“, President James E. Faust, April 2002 General Conference: “[The Prophet Joseph Smith’s] petitions were fervent, his motives pure, and the blessings of heaven regular.
- Are my prayers focused on me and my needs, or on others (especially those I love) and their needs?
- Guide to the Scriptures – Prayer: “The object of prayer is not to change the will of God, but to secure for ourselves and for others blessings that God is already willing to grant, but that we must ask for in order to obtain.”
- Like my Savior, Jesus Christ, am I consistently submitting my will to Heavenly Father’s will?
- How can I do a better job of ‘[pleading] for [Heavenly Father’s] help for [my] loved one’?
- What power might come into my life through ‘the patience and gentleness that come from not receiving all [I] desire right away or perhaps ever’?
- “Five Loaves and Two Fishes“, Dallas Jenkins, October 29, 2024, BYU Forum: “I’m very confused at this point. I go into the kitchen, and I’m wallowing in my sorrow, and my wife comes in, and she says: ‘I don’t know why, but I know that God is putting it on my heart almost as clear as it’s an audible voice: ‘Read the story of the feeding of the 5,000, and I do impossible math.’ I don’t know what that means. I don’t know why He’s saying that, but I just know that I know that I know.’ …
“I wasn’t going to be able to solve this and figure this out on my own. Now, I still didn’t know what impossible math meant in this case, because success wasn’t on the horizon. But in that moment, all I cared about was God’s will. So I surrendered, probably for the first time in my life. I broke down … and I got to a place where I was truly okay with whatever God wanted for me. …
“I implore you, starting now, don’t wait until you’re in your forties for God to break you down and bring you to your knees and surrender. Starting now, get to this place, this superpower actually, that comes from giving that up to God. It is not your job to feed the 5,000, it is only to provide the loaves and fish. I love you. And I hope that you can learn that earlier than I did.”
- “Five Loaves and Two Fishes“, Dallas Jenkins, October 29, 2024, BYU Forum: “I’m very confused at this point. I go into the kitchen, and I’m wallowing in my sorrow, and my wife comes in, and she says: ‘I don’t know why, but I know that God is putting it on my heart almost as clear as it’s an audible voice: ‘Read the story of the feeding of the 5,000, and I do impossible math.’ I don’t know what that means. I don’t know why He’s saying that, but I just know that I know that I know.’ …
- Have I carved out adequate time in my life to ‘talk to God’?
Take Action
How will you take action on the invitations extended in this General Conference address?
As we conclude this episode, I have some important information. Show notes for this and all other episodes can be found on my website, On my website, you will also find my weekly What? Eye. Read. 💡 newsletter.
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You can also follow me on Instagram and Facebook where I share additional General Conference related content. The links to my social media accounts are in the podcast episode details for each podcast episode. Lastly, please remember that General Conference Applied is meant to be a supplement for your review of General Conference Addresses.
I promise that you will get more out of each General Conference Applied episode when you study the General Conference address first. Thank you for joining me in this effort to become doers of the word and to take action on general conference invitations.
Church Doctrine | Family | Jesus Christ | Teaching
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